My name is Terra and I have deemed myself “The Wild Hare.” I love meeting new people, creating things and starting new adventures! The Wild Hare was born on the idea that I like to create whatever my wild hair drives me to create. I have a variety of items from Custom made jewelry, Quiet Books, Crayon and Note Pad Pouches, Ornaments, Celebration Boards, Santa Sacks and and the list just keeps growing! Sometimes in life you get a wild hair and you just need to run with it!
Please see each page that corresponds with the item in which you are interested in ordering. The page will give more details about the custom piece, such as sizes, colors, shapes, etc.
Each item is a custom piece and is subject to an increase in price depending on the difficulty and additional time it may take to create. All prices seem below are a starting point.
If you have any further questions, don’t hesitate to ask!! Lastly, if you don’t see it on the list and you want to know if I can create it, just ask! I’ll see what I can do!